What Some of My Clients Have to Say About Our Work Together

  • “Lisa was present, connected, and spacious with me around a “mapping your past” activity. She posed open-ended questions and made space for my reflections and emotions. I felt seen and heard and was able to glean deep meaning from the experience.”


  • “Lisa is the real deal. She clearly loves her work and brings a compassionate, curious, and lively vibe.”


  • “Lisa has and is helping me better my relationship with myself so that I can self soothe, be a better advocate for myself, and know who I really am at my core.”


  • “Attention to detail is everything, and Lisa possesses this quality. In my opinion, it makes working with her immensely worthwhile. Excellence.”


  • “I trust her to empower me to engage in my best self and stay true to principles that amplify goodness and edify life.”

Coaching – Life/Relationship

What do you want for your life? Have you noticed patterns that keep resurfacing in your life that get in the way of getting it and cause upset or stress? Regardless of the type of relationship–professional, personal, intimate, multi-faceted–I can work with you to get to know yourself better so you have the confidence and knowledge about yourself that you need to open up for meaningful and purposeful communications with others in your relationships.

Personality Inventory Sessions

There’s so much we don’t understand about ourselves, and, let’s be honest, reading vague generalizations of our personality isn’t always helpful (or flattering). But our personalities can actually lead us to our higher Self – if we pay attention. By working together on identifying what your personality type is, you can have greater access to choice in the moments that offer you an opportunity to choose Soul over personality.

Active Imagination/Journeys

Are you ready to hear what your unconscious is trying to tell you and figure out how your Inner you affects your outer you – and vise versa?

AI provides the opportunity to listen to higher guidance, wisdom, and feelings in relation to aspects within ourselves that have gone untapped – until now!

Voice Dialogue Sessions

We all act differently in different situations–shy around strangers, crazy with friends, angry with family. We’re not pretending to be someone we’re not, we’re simply being another version of ourselves. I can facilitate a Voice Dialogue that will help you become aware of all your primary selves. Awareness will bring understanding, acceptance, and compassion, to you and to everyone you interact with. Thank you to Hal & Sidra Stone for creating this transferable skill!

Dream Work

Ever had a dream and wondered, “What was THAT about?” Most people do, and most people brush them off as some random, weird thing. However, we know so much more now.

I, like Jung, see dreams as the psyche’s way of communicating important personal & collective messages. That’s because our dreams come from both the personal and the collective unconscious.

Our Soul’s message is in a symbolic language. By working with our dreams and getting to know our Soul’s language, we bring bits of the unknown into our conscious, waking life – uniting the two. Depth psychology refers to this as Soul Tending – via our dreams – on our Path of individuation.

More Services

With Shamanic training, Sound Healing training, and being a Reiki Master, I am equipped and excited to work with many different modalities depending on your needs and desires.

Unsure of what you are looking for? I offer a free, half-session (50Min) as an initial consultation to explore the possibilities and see if we could be a good match.


My Jungian-Style Coaching Services and Qualifications

I have a Masters Degree in Depth Psychology; Jungian and Archetypal Studies and a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics; Deaf Studies Minor & ASL Interpreting Track. I am a member of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc as a Nationally Certified Sign Language Interpreter; therefore my services are all available in spoken English as well as ASL.



Other Qualifications Include


  • Myers Briggs (MBTI) Certified
  • Enneagram Educated
  • Voice Dialogue Facilitator
  • Shamanic Training
  • Sound Healing Training
  • Reiki Master
  • Lighterian Reiki Master


Allow Me to Engage With You

 Curious if a Jungian approach is for you? Schedule a full or half session, and ask about my free consultation! Together we’ll peel away your mind’s pretenses until all that remains is you–unfiltered, beautiful, and alive. Living beyond existing…

Contact Me